Colloquium: Carolina Araujo (IMPA)
3:00–4:00 pm
Carolina Araujo (IMPA) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s colloquia series titled “Symmetries in Algebraic Geometry.”
Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis
3:00–4:00 pm
The 2020-2021 Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis will be presented by Camillo de Lellis (IAS) on May 11, 13, and 14.
Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis
3:00–4:00 pm
The 2020-2021 Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis will be presented by Camillo de Lellis (IAS) on May 11, 13, and 14.

Colloquium: Chelsea Walton (Rice University)
3:00–4:00 pm
Chelsea Walton (Rice University) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “Quantum Symmetry”
Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis
3:00–4:00 pm
The 2020-2021 Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis will be presented by Camillo de Lellis (IAS) on May 11, 13, and 14.

Colloquium: Ivan Corwin (Columbia University)
3:00–4:00 pm Zoom Meeting
Ivan Corwin (Columbia University) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “Stationary Measure for the Open KPZ Equation.”

Colloquium: Lauren Williams (Harvard University)
3:00–4:00 pm Zoom Meeting
Lauren Williams (Harvard University) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “Macdonald and Schubert Polynomials from Markov Chains.”

Colloquium: Anders Hansen (University of Cambridge)
3:00–4:00 pm
Anders Hansen (University of Cambridge) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “The Extended Smale’s 9th problem — On hardness of approximation in computation and non-computable problems in computer-assisted proofs”

Colloquium: Jason Miller (University of Cambridge)
3:00–4:00 pm
Jason Miller (University of Cambridge) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “Liouville Quantum Gravity as a Metric Space and a Scaling Limit.”
Colloquium: Spencer Bloch (University of Chicago)
3:00–4:00 pm
Spencer Bloch (University of Chicago) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “My Favorite Algebraic Cycle.”