Past Events


Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis Day 3: Pierre Raphael (Cambridge)

4:00–5:00 pm Eckhart Hall

As part of the Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis Pierre Raphael (Cambridge) will give three lectures. The second lecture is titled “Defocusing Singularities and Compressible Fluids.”

May 12

Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis Day 2: Pierre Raphael (Cambridge)

4:00–5:00 pm Eckhart Hall

As part of the Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis Pierre Raphael (Cambridge) will give three lectures. The second lecture is titled “Describing Singularities.”

May 10

Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis: Pierre Raphael (Cambridge)

4:00–5:00 pm Eckhart Hall

As part of the Zygmund-Calderón Lectures in Analysis Pierre Raphael (Cambridge) will give three lectures. The first lecture is titled “Singularity Formation in The Super Critical Rang.”

May 9

Billingsley Lectures on Probability: Fredrik Viklund

4:30–5:30 pm Kent 120

FREDRIK VIKLUND, Department of Mathematics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
“Interface dynamics and conformal maps”

May 5

Colloquium: Ewain Gwynne (UChicago)

3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall

Ewain Gwynne (UChicago) will give a talk titled “Random Surfaces and Liouville Quantum Gravity” as part of the Math Department Colloquium Series.

Apr 27

Colloquium: Frank Calegari

3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall

Apr 13

Mathematics and Music

3:30–5:00 pm Ryerson Hall

The internationally acclaimed String Quartet and University of Chicago Don Michael Randel Ensemble-in-Residence, Quatuor Diotima will be presenting a lecture performance titled Mathematics and Music, in the Ryerson Lecture Hall 251 at 3:30 pm.

Apr 8

Colloquium: Yufei Zhao (MIT)

3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall

Yufei Zhao (MIT) will give a talk titled “Equiangular lines and eigenvalue multiplicities” as part of the Math Department’s colloquia series.

Mar 30

Colloquium: Daniil Rudenko (UChicago)

3:30–4:30 pm Eckhart Hall

Daniil Rudenko will give a talk titled “Volumes of Hyperbolic Polytopes, Cluster Polylogarithms, and the Goncharov Depth Conjecture” as part of the Math Department’s colloquia series.

Mar 9

Colloquium: Julia Wolf (Cambridge)

3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall

Julia Wolf will give a talk titled “When is a Mathematical Object Well-Behaved?” as part of the Math Department’s colloquia series.

Mar 2