Colloquium: Svitlana Mayboroda (University of Minnesota)
3:00–4:00 pm
Svitlana Mayboroda (University of Minnesota) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “Green Function vs. Geometry.”
Colloquium: Akhil Mathew (UChicago)
3:00–4:00 pm
Akhil Mathew (University of Chicago) will present a talk as part of the Math Department’s Colloquia series titled “Algebraic K-theory, Traces, and Arithmetic.”
Colloquium: Lillian Pierce (Duke)
3:00–4:00 pm Zoom
Talk given by Lillian Pierce of Duke University presented by the University of Chicago Math Department.
Subset Sums
3:00–4:00 pm Zoom
Jacob Fox (Stanford University) will be presenting a colloquium on Wednesday, November 18 at 3pm.
Stability, Non-Approximated Groups and High-Dimensional Expanders
3:00–4:00 pm
Alex Lubotzky (Hebrew University) will present a talk on Wednesday, 10/28/20 at 3:00pm CT.

Graduate Research Opportunities for Women 2020
Through October 25, 2020
The Graduate Opportunities for Women (GROW) conference will be hosted at the University of Chicago on October 23-25, 2020.
Homology Growth in Towers and Aspherical Manifolds
3:00–4:00 pm
Kevin Schreve (University of Chicago) will be presenting a talk on Wednesday, 10/21 at 3pm.
Algorithmic Solutions to Diophantine Problem
3:00–4:00 pm Zoom
Brian Lawrence (University of Chicago) will be presenting a talk on Wednesday, October 14 at 3pm.
Combinatorics, Hodge Theory, and Beyond
3:00–4:00 pm
Karim Adiprasito (Hebrew University and University of Copenhagen) will be giving a colloquium on Wednesday September 30 at 3 pm.