Email: All University related correspondence is sent to your uchicago account. Please be sure to either check your uchicago account daily or forward it to your primary email address. Please feel free to email for assistance.
Department Email Lists: You can use the below emails to get in touch with specific groups within the department
- Will go to the entire department
- Will go to all Dickson Instructors
- Will go to all grad students
- Can be used to contact staff with any questions or concerns
University Directory: All new arrivals will be added to the university directory once the hire is complete. You may change your contact information or the way your name appears yourself by utilizing the directory’s self-edit feature. You will need to sign into the directory with your CNetID, list your name in the search bar, click on your name and you will see the option to edit information.
Copying and Printer access – Copy machines are located in Eckhart 312 A. You will be contacted by Andrea Rosalez with your code. There are printing stations located in E-028, E-110, RY-353A, and on the 4th floor near the main staircase. Please email for assistance with connecting to printers.
Computer Questions: For questions regarding computer needs please contact
Supplies - General Office Supplies can be obtained from Eckhart 108. Please pick up supplies related to your teaching from Eckhart 207A.
Receiving Mail: Mail should be addressed to you at the following address: Department of Mathematics, 5734 S. University, Chicago, IL 60637.
Receiving Amazon Orders or Packages: Packages from Amazon and anything that won't fit in your mailbox should be shipped to our Faculty Exchange address (Department of Mathematics, 5845 S. Ellis Ave, Chicago, Il 60637) as carriers no longer deliver directly to our building and your package could be delayed. The team at Faculty Exchange will deliver your package to Eckhart and one of our staff members will notify you when it arrives and you can come grab it from the main office.
Building Hours: Normal hours for Eckhart Hall are M-F 8AM – 5PM. University buildings remain locked outside of normal business hours. You may access the building with your Chicago Card. Please report building access issues to Mat Wimberly.
Building Issues: If there is a non urgent building issue, please contact Andrea Rosalez ( For urgent issues, please call 773-834-1414 for immediate assistance.
Telephone Authorization: For US calls, dial 9-1-area code-phone number.
Fax: You may send a FAX in Eckhart 108. FAX’s may be sent to 773-702-9787. Any FAX received for you will be placed in your mailbox.
Keys: Please see any staff member in Eckhart 108 for keys.
Occasional Lectures and Short-Term Consultations: Often members of our department are invited to other U.S. institution to give talks. If you are employed as a J-1 scholar and would like to travel to another institution for this purpose, you are required to have an authorization letter from our Office of International Affairs. Please request this letter in advance by sending an email to with the dates, locations, and the topic or title of your lecture. Approval will be sent to OIA. Further guidance can be found at If you are employed as an H-1B, other institutions are not allowed to provide you with any compensation. Please alert them that you are in H-1B status and ask if they are willing to send your reimbursement to the UofC and we will reimburse you.
Applying for Jobs – If you are applying for jobs before the last year of your appointment, it is very helpful to the chair if you let him or her know that you are applying, and the estimated likelihood that you will leave before the end of your appointment.
Department Staff:

Judy Garza
Department Manager

Mat Wimberly
Assistant Director of Academic Affairs

Andrea Rosalez
Business Assistant

Audra Herman
Business Assistant

John Zekos
Tech Staff

Hannah Zyung
Undergraduate Administrator

Laurie Wail
Graduate Students Administrator