Course Assistants

Junior Tutors

Qualifications for the Junior Tutor Position are below:

The following courses are the courses with tutorials.

Fundamental Mathematics (Math 10500). Autumn only.
Precalculus topics covered. Eligible candidates should have had Calculus and have taken or be taking one of the Analysis Sequences. This assignment is only for Autumn quarter with a possibility of continuation into the Winter Math 13100 and Spring Math 13200 Junior Tutor positions.

Topics in Mathematics (Math 11200-11300). Autumn-Winter. To tutor for Math 11200-11300
Eligible candidates should have had Calculus and have taken or be taking a second year of math. Applicants must know number theory and geometry to tutor in these courses. Experience as a counselor in our summer YSP is good background. These are two-quarter assignments.

Off-sequence Math 13100-13200. Classes MWF, tutorials TuTh. Winter-Spring only.

Off-sequence Math 13300. Classes MWF, tutorials TuTh. Autumn only.

For Math 13100-13200 and 13300, eligible candidates should have had Calculus and have taken or be taking one of the Analysis Sequences.

Junior Tutors are expected to conduct tutorial sessions during the regularly scheduled times (3hrs per week). They grade homework and quizzes of students in their tutorial groups (5hrs per week), they attend one lecture per week (1hr), and they meet with their Instructor weekly (1hr). The budgeted figure for Junior Tutors each quarter this year is $1620 for approximately 10 hours of work per week.

On-sequence Math 130’s (Math 13100-13200-13300):

NEW: Lead Junior Tutor for On-sequence Math 130’s (Math 13100-13200-13300)

This is a new position for the redesigned Math 130s sequence. The Lead Junior Tutors are expected to conduct collaborative learning tutorial sessions for approximately 12 students each (3 hours per week), to be trained in collaborative learning pedagogy (1 hour per week) and content analysis (3 hours per week), and to prepare for and reflect on the weekly meetings (2 hours per week). Lead Junior Tutors will be enrolled in a CANVAS module that starts with approximately 6 hours of boot camp during the O-week (Saturday, September 28th, 1 – 4:30 pm and Sunday, September 29th, 1 – 4 pm). The budgeted figure for the Lead Junior Tutors each quarter this year is $1,620 for approximately 10 hours of work per week.

Eligible candidates should have had Calculus and have taken or be taking one of the Analysis sequences. These are at least two-quarter assignments, with most tutors continuing in the same section all three quarters. See UChicago Class Search for the most current schedule.

NEW: Reader for On-sequence Math 130's (Math 13100-13200-13300)

This is a new position for the redesigned Math 130s sequence. A Reader is primarily responsible for grading weekly homework in their section of Math 130s. We expect prompt, careful work from our Readers. A Reader keeps an accurate record of students’ homework grades via Gradescope and regularly meets with the Section Leaders to discuss issues in the course, such as difficulties the students are having with homework problems or with understanding concepts.

Eligible candidates should have had Calculus and have taken or be taking one of the Analysis Sequences. Readers should expect to spend 10 hours per week on the job.  Assignments are made for one quarter at a time; continuation in the job is contingent upon satisfactory evaluation by the current Instructor. The current level of pay will be $50 per registered student as indicated on the course roster at the end of the 3rd week. Readers will be paid $300 during the quarter plus remaining pay at the end of the quarter.

VCA (Math 15100-15200-15300)

Course Assistants for Math 151-152-153 are called VCAs. A VCA is primarily responsible for grading the theoretical parts of Math 151-152-153 homework assignments (about 2-3 problems per student per section) and will be assigned to two sections each. In addition, a VCA is responsible for the collection, grading, and promptly returning homework assignments to the Instructor from the assigned classes.  A VCA keeps an accurate record of student's homework grades, uploads them on CANVAS, and regularly meets with Instructors to discuss issues in the course, such as difficulties the students are having with the homework problems, or with understanding concepts. 

Applicants for VCA positions should have had Honors Calculus, or Math 15910, or higher-level mathematics courses. Assignments are made for one quarter at a time, but preference will be for a VCA to work all year in the same section; continuation in the job is contingent upon satisfactory evaluation by the current Instructor. The budgeted figures for VCAs each quarter this year are $300 paid during the quarter plus $900 to be paid at the end of the quarter. VCAs should expect to spend 10 hours per week on the job.

Readers (Math 15250, 15910 and higher)

A Reader is primarily responsible for grading homework papers in upper-level mathematics courses. We expect prompt, careful work from our Readers. A Reader keeps an accurate record of student's homework grades, uploads them on CANVAS, and regularly meets with Instructors to discuss issues in the course, such as difficulties the students are having with the homework problems, or with understanding concepts.

Applicants for Reader positions should have had the course they are asking to read for, or a higher-level course equivalent. Readers should expect to spend 10 hours per week on the job. Assignments of Readers are made by the Department and are based on the level of experience of the applicants for each position. Assignments are made for one quarter at a time; continuation in the job is contingent upon satisfactory evaluation by the current Instructor. The current level of pay will be $50 per registered student as indicated on the course roster at the end of the 3rd week. Readers will be paid $300 during the quarter plus remaining pay at the end of the quarter.

Super Reader position 

Occasionally, the Department of Mathematics is in need of an advanced Reader. Applicants for Super Reader positions should have had the course they are asking to read for, or a higher-level course equivalent, and have had excellent grades in that course. Applicants for Super Reader positions should be third- or fourth-year mathematics majors with an excellent record.

The responsibilities include correcting homework papers, holding two office hours weekly, helping during lectures (IBL classes), and meeting with their Instructors regularly to discuss the course, duties, and performances.

The budgeted figures for Super Readers for each quarter this year are $500 plus $50 per registered student, as indicated on the course roster at the end of the 3rd week. Super Readers will be paid $500 during the quarter with the remaining pay at the end of the quarter. Super Readers should expect to spend 10 hours per week on the job.

For academic year 2024 - 2025, the Department of Mathematics is seeking Super Readers for Math 160s IBL classes (all year) and Math 20320-20420-20520 IBL Analysis (all year).

Application Form

The new application form for the 2024-2025 academic year will open on the same day as the pre-registration for returning students begins (July 29, 2024, 9 am). If you have any questions, please contact Hannah Zyung (

Private Tutoring

If you are interested in tutoring in mathematics, from high school to college level, please fill out this form. Once this form is complete, we will add you to a list of private tutors.
You will be notified when we receive requests. You may contact the Undergraduate Studies Administrator ( for any questions or changes in your tutoring availability.