George Wells Beadle Distinguished Service Professor
Departments of Mathematics, Statistics, and the College

- Department Address:
- Department of Mathematics
5734 S. University Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637 - Office:
- Eckhart 415
- Office Phone:
- 773-702-7340
- Deparmtent Email Address
- Personal Website
B.A., 1976, University of Virginia; Ph.D., 1979, Princeton University
Random walks and continuous analogues (Brownian motion and diffusions) with a special emphasis on processes arising in statistical physics such as self-avoiding random walk, loop-erased random walk (uniform spanning trees), and percolation. Conformally invariant quantities such as Schramm-Loewner evolution (SLE), Gaussian free field (GFF), and loop measures in two dimensions.
Applications of probability to other areas of mathematics, in particular, complex analysis.