Past Events


Dickson Days I

3:00–4:00 pm E 202

Abstract: New Dickson instructors will give short talks on their work.
Today’s speakers: Daniel Minahan, Toni Annala, Nikolai Konovalov,
William Golding.

Oct 2

Mathematics, Computational, and Applied Mathematics Colloquium: Bernd Sturmfels (MPI Leipzig and UC Berkeley)

4:00–5:00 pm Jones, Room 303 (5747 S Ellis Ave)

Bernd Sturmfels will give a talk titled “The Two Lives of The Grassmannian” as part of the department’s colloquium series.

May 30

Colloquium: François Labourie (Université Côte d'Azure, Nice, France)

3:00–4:20 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202

François Labourie will give a talk titled “Poisson Algebra, Combinatorics and Representations of Surface Groups” as part of the department’s colloquium series. 

May 8

Spring 2024 ZhengTong Chern-Weil Symposium

10:00 am–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall

Talks will be given by Martin Hairer, Aaron Naber, Antoine Song, and Otis Chodosh as part of the Fall Zhengtong Chern-Weil Symposium in Mathematics.

May 3

Billingsley Lectures on Probability

4:30–5:30 pm Math/Stat 112, 5727 South University Avenue

Prof. Sourav Chatterjee (Stanford) will give a talk on “A definition of spectral gap for nonreversible Markov chains”
Reception immediately following the lecture at 5:30 pm, in the Reading Room,
Math/Stat 101, 5727 South University Avenue

May 2
Anush Tserunyan

Colloquium: Anush Tserunyan (McGill)

3:00–4:20 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202

Anush Tserunyan will give a talk titled “A Descriptive Approach To Pointwise Ergodic Theorems” as part of the department’s colloquium series.

May 1
Tasho Kaletha

Colloquium: Tasho Kaletha (Michigan)

3:00–4:20 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202

Tasho Kaletha will give a talk titled: ‘Representations of Reductive Groups Over Local and Global Fields’, as part of the department’s colloquia series.

Apr 24
Lek-Heng Lim

Colloquium: Lek-Heng Lim (UChicago)

3:00–4:20 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202

Lek-Heng Lim will give a talk titled “Mathematical Snippets From Developments In AI” as part of the math department’s colloquia series.

Apr 17
Will Sawin

Colloquium: Will Sawin (Princeton)

3:00–4:20 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202

Will Sawin will give a talk titled “The Fundamental Group of Random 3-Manifolds and Other Random Objects” as part of the math department’s colloquia series.

Mar 27