The calendar below includes events from all seminars, lecture series, and departmental colloquia, as well as non-departmental seminars that may be of broad interest to people in the mathematics department.
ZhengTong Chern-Weil Symposium (Spring 2025)
Through May 24, 2025
Talks will be given by Larry Guth (MIT), Huy Tuan Pham (IAS and Caltech), Rick Schoen (Univ of California Irvine) and Jacob Tsimerman (Univ of Toronto) as part of the Spring ZhenTong Chern-Weil Symposium.
Department Colloquium: Rachel Greenfeld
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: Andrew Marks (UC Berkeley)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: Mircea Mustațǎ (University Of Michigan)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: Promit Ghosal (University Of Chicago)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: David Vogan (MIT)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: Semyon Alesker
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: Robert Young (NYU)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA

Unni Namboodiri Lectures in Geometry and Topology - Peter Ozsvath (Princeton University)
Through May 13, 2025
Colloquium: Hong Wang (NYU-Courant)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA
Colloquium: Eric Larson (Brown University)
3:00–4:00 pm Eckhart Hall, Room 202
A talk will be given as part of the department colloquia series. Title and abstract TBA